Homoeopathy derived from a Greek word Homoios meaning similar and pathos meaning suffering is a healing art.
  It is the second largest medical system in the world according to WHO.
  Founder- Dr Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann
  Originated more than 200 yrs ago in Germany.
  Now it has been spread to almost every country of the world.
  Now a days it is safest and gentle modes of treatment for restoring the sick to health.
  Homoeopathy stimulates person’s body ability to heal itself by administrating small doses of highly potentised substances.
  Homoeopathic medicines are proved on healthy human beings to know medicine pathogenesis and complete drug picture.
  The method of preparation of homoeopathic drug substances is such a unique that it increases the curative power while decreases the crude drug substance.
  Thus it removes the side effects and patient is cured with minimal dose.


  ACUTE DISEASES of recent origin like cough, cold, fever etc – correct medicine is given produces quick result.
  CHRONIC DISEASES have long history like asthma, eczema, arthritis etc takes time to cure due to their complexity, long duration and suppression of diseases by other system of medicines.
  If a person is taking long continued allopathic medicines like steroids discontinuing the medicines suddenly can increase the intensity of symptoms so it is important to reduce dose of medicines gradually and by seeing result allopathic medicines can be stopped.
  Food substances like onion, garlic, tea, coffee, condiments can be taken along with homeopathic medicines but it should be in moderation and a specified gap is to be maintained between these food items and medicines.
  After taking homeopathic medicines it may be seen that there in increases it intensity of disease for short time but it’s a homoeopathic aggravation and part of curative process.
  Homoeopathic medicines are equally good for children’s and adults.
  Children’s taking homoeopathic medicines from beginning increases the body resistance against diseases.
  Single medicine is given initially but if disease symptoms are complex then combinations medicines are given at a time.
  Homeopathic medicines are dispensed in form of globules but it is medicated by different homoeopathic medicines.